Stop, drop, and meditate at any time of day or night.

 Although meditation has been practiced for millennia, interest in it has doubled in the last ten years. Tony Robbins, a well-known motivational speaker, spends 10 minutes each morning in meditation, concentrating on his breathing while giving thanks and embracing the good energy inside and around him. If you don't have ten f—ing minutes for your life, you don't have a life, as Tony puts it. Stop, drop, and meditate as a result.

The potential of meditation to create peace and ease while allowing the body and mind to rest is one of many factors that have contributed to its explosive growth in recent years. We may slow down and become more aware of our surroundings by using meditation tools and methods. Given its benefits, meditation is increasingly being used in schools in place of suspension and detention. Julie McMahon, who documented meditation in the Syracuse, New York school system, understood how a few minutes of peace and stillness are necessary to replace "zero tolerance" discipline with "restorative justice" strategies that support students' positive behavior while keeping them in the classroom.

Fortunately, there is no right or wrong method to meditate for individuals who are just beginning. While many like five to ten-minute YouTube guided meditations, some can easily sit there for an hour. If you're anything like me, you practice meditation while doing yoga or conduct a little meditation each morning and evening using Danielle LaPorte's card deck and essential oils.

As with anything new, start small and build up your meditation time as you get more accustomed to it and feel more comfortable.


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