What is the Highest State That You Can Achieve Through Meditation?
When you reach this state of meditation , it is almost as if you take on the form of the divine. Even when they were in this state of samadhi, it is stated that the spiritual Masters never emerged from their meditations. This is due to the fact that a person in such a state is unable to perform any tasks in the outside world. You have found the perfect site if you have ever pondered the question of what the most advanced level of meditation entails. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of absolute awareness that goes beyond all mental activity. This state is also known as the meditator's absorption state. It is a heightened level of awareness that is characterized by profound love for the entire planet. When you are in this condition, all of your karma and your attachment to the physical world are completely eradicated. Your awareness has completely separated itself from your physical, astral, and causal bodies, and you are no longer breathing. Your mind can be turned into the infinite, w...